Perfecting Flooring And Tile Installation - Pros & Cons of a Levelling System

Making the right choices to save time and money with tiling, getting it right first time round.

When working out a flooring and tile installation, you might have come across tile levelling systems and are wondering whether to use a levelling system. 

Whether you are a traditional tiler or a new starter to the job, tile levelling systems have been developed in recent years and this is a few points to consider when making the choice. 

First of all what is a tile levelling system? A tile levelling system comes in various different types, the ones we use are a screw top system and clip system. 

When would you use a levelling system? 

  • Anything bigger than 300 x 300mm tiles. 
  • Natural stone or Porcelain tiles. 

Where wouldn't you use a levelling system? 

  • You wouldn't use this with smaller tiles/mosaics/100 x 100mm tiles. 

What are the Pros? 

  • Achieving a level surface, minimizing steps between tiles. 
  • Enhanced Strength during the installation.  
  • Straightens slightly twisted tiles - Quality Porcelain is heated to such a high temperature for a set period of time to enhance it's properties, it has a natural bend in it of a few millimeters, using the levelling system straightens this out so you don't get any steps in between tiles. 
  • When tiling in difficult lighting situations using levelling clips reduces the risks of tiling out of level. Eg. in tight bathrooms or in small areas or areas where the lighting is not fixed as it would be. 

What are the Cons?

  • There is a risk of leaving cavities under tiles if not properly back buttered and adhered, leading to tiles breaking after installation. However this can be avoided by being careful to sufficiently back butter the tiles and the surface you are tiling. 
  • A slightly thicker adhesive is required due to the base of the clips needing to be allowed for. 
  • Additional work snapping off the levelling pieces before grouting, adding an extra step to the tiling process. 
  • The cost of using extra equipment. 

Comparing Levelling Systems: 

Screw Cap



The Centre Screw is stronger, so easy to tighten. 

Requires a battery drill for installation. (Not so easy when using adhesive at the same time)

Pieces are harder to reuse due to having to take apart and adhesive residue. 

The screw caps can scratch the surface of softer materials like natural stone. In this case you will need to use the anti-scratch washers to avoid scratches. 

Clip System



Can be fixed by hand or by specific pliers.

Can break under too much tension with natural stone.

Wedges are easy to reuse. 

May not achieve as tight of a joint as the screw cap system. 

In summary, using a levelling system to perfect floor tiling is a must. Using it will enhance the finished product and ensure a brilliant flat finish. It is essential still to be very careful when using the system to ensure the adhesive and grout is adhered onto the tiles properly and the right choice is made when choosing the clip/screw system. 

Happy tiling😊.

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